Dismantling the walls of gender expectations
31 Dec 2023The prevalence of gender stereotypes is a social problem
Gender norms in the Philippines are still far from progressive
Most respondents agree that…
- Men are better leaders because they are less emotional and more decisive than women
- The husband should take on the role as the primary breadwinner in the household
- Women should take care of the different chores inside the home and perform care work
Source: Survey from Oxfam Pilipinas and Miriam College Women and Gender Institute (2022)
Rigid gender roles are already impressed upon children at a young age
Stereotypes limit the individuality of the person and contribute to societal inequalities
- People become who they’re not
- People with certain interests or personalities that defy social expectations given their gender may choose to suppress or change their identity to avoid being ridiculed
- People get discriminated against
- People in fields that are dominated by the other gender might not be afforded the same level of opportunities (e.g., women who are interested in STEM or male caregivers/household help)
- People face mental health issues
- People who are forced to conform to a certain gender stereotype just to be accepted by society may end up experiencing certain mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression
Gender stereotypes are incompatible with the message of the Gospel
- The Gospel teaches that all people are equal at the foot of the cross
Galatians 3:28 NLT
There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.
- Even the ministry gifts and responsibilities which were largely male-dominated in the Old Testament are now available to all
Acts 2:17 NIV
“‘In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.
All of us can take simple steps towards gender inclusiveness
- Use language consciously
- Avoid the use of gendered pronouns (he/she) in favor of the gender-neutral they, particularly if gender is not pertinent to the conversation
- Choose gender-neutral alternatives to gendered nouns (e.g., police officer instead of policeman, business owner instead of businessman)
- Stop using sexist expressions which impose behavioral expectations based on gender (e.g., instead of teaching someone to “be a man,” teach them to “be human”)
- Challenge gender expectations
- Explore different career paths, hobbies. and interests which are typically associated with the opposite gender
- Embrace one’s personality even if it goes against stereotypes
- Maintain close personal relationships with everyone, not just people of the same gender
- Advocate for systemic change
- Advocate for equal treatment across societal institutions, including the implementation of equal maternity and paternity leaves which would (1) avoid discrimination against women due to the benefit cost and (2) promote equal distribution of household responsibilities
- Stand up for people who are ridiculed or criticized just for breaking stereotypical expectations based on gender
These small steps can lead to the progressive breakdown of gender stereotypes in our circles. With enough people taking these actions, gender inclusiveness will cascade to the rest of society.