Moses: Responding to God’s call
29 Dec 2023This is an original lesson outline I prepared for one of my weekly Bible studies in 2023. Early this year as I struggled with self-confidence, I received a RHEMA [spoken Word, specific revelation] from the Lord. In relation to one of the assignments he has given me, he said that he will help me speak and teach me what to say (Exodus 4:12). I was reminded that my confidence should not be on my own ability but on his, and I wanted to share this with my group of college-aged students.
- We know how God has used Moses for the special assignment of leading the Israelites out of Egypt towards the Promised Land.
- But before this, Moses had to be called by God. In the popular Sunday School story, God appeared to Moses in a burning bush (Exodus 3:1-10).
- At first, Moses had many reservations about the call, even telling God to “please send someone else” (Exodus 4:13).
- Like Moses, God has called us to fulfill certain assignments in life (family, career, business, etc), and we want to accomplish them in Jesus’ Name.
- So today, we’ll look at how God responds to Moses’ reservations/excuses, which happen to parallel the same excuses we typically make when presented with these great dreams, goals, and plans God plants in our hearts.
1. “I am a nobody” → “I will be with you”
- “But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”” (Exodus 3:11 ESV)
- “He said, “But I will be with you” (Exodus 3:12 ESV)
- Remember that it’s not about who we are — it is about who He is and who we are in Christ!
- “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4 ESV)
- “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37 ESV)
- God can use people like us who are nobodies from the perspective of the world:
- “But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;” (1 Corinthians 1:27 ESV)
- Recall the story of David and Goliath:
- “Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” (1 Samuel 17:45 ESV)
- “So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. There was no sword in the hand of David. Then David ran and stood over the Philistine and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled.” (1 Samuel 17:50–51 ESV)
- Our socio-economic background, educational attainment, or social status does not put a limit on what we can accomplish in life
- God’s constant presence in our lives is sufficient for us to be able to accomplish all that he has set us to accomplish
- Have you ever felt unqualified to accomplish a dream God has placed in your heart because of your present circumstances? Or have other people made you feel unqualified (directly/indirectly)?
2. “People will not pay attention to me” → “I will perform signs and wonders so people will believe I’m with you”
- “Then Moses answered, “But behold, they will not believe me or listen to my voice, for they will say, ‘The LORD did not appear to you.’”” (Exodus 4:1 ESV)
- “The LORD said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A staff.” And he said, “Throw it on the ground.” So he threw it on the ground, and it became a serpent, and Moses ran from it. But the LORD said to Moses, “Put out your hand and catch it by the tail”—so he put out his hand and caught it, and it became a staff in his hand—” (Exodus 4:2–4 ESV)
- God will move supernaturally in our midst as we follow through with the assignments that God has given us
- While there is a limit to what we can do and what we can achieve by ourselves, there is no limit to His power!
- ILLUSTRATION: As the disciples followed through with their assignment (preaching the Gospel), God took care of the supernatural
- “And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs.” (Mark 16:20 ESV)
- SHARING: Can you share a testimony of how God caused a supernatural breakthrough as you did what you can possibly do in the natural realm to pursue a plan he has revealed to you?
3. “I am not capable” → “I will enable you”
- “But Moses said to the LORD, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.”” (Exodus 4:10 ESV)
- “Then the LORD said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.”
(Exodus 4:11–12 ESV) - Remember that when God plants in us a desire to do something for him, he also gives us the ability to do his will:
- “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” (Philippians 2:13 NLT)
- If God can use Moses and Paul, who do not view themselves as eloquent speakers (Ex 4:10; 2 Cor 11:6), to be his messengers, God can certainly use you to fulfill whatever task that he has assigned you
- It is actually through surpassing these areas of weakness with the help of Christ that God’s power is in full display to the world
- “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
(2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV)
- “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
- APPLICATION: When we are in a situation where we feel small — when it looks like our knowledge, skills, and capabilities do not measure up — we should recognize that God’s grace is sufficient for us
Then he said, “Here I am, I have come to do your will.”
Hebrews 10:9 NIV
- When faced with a God-given assignment, we should not say “please send someone else” (Exodus 4:13), lest the anger of God be kindled (Exodus 4:14).
- We should not think that we are nobodies because God will be with us. God will perform the supernatural as we do the natural. God will give us the ability particularly in our areas of weakness.
- Our disposition when God calls us to do something should be modeled after that of Christ. He wholeheartedly followed the will of the Father when he was tasked to sacrifice his life for the salvation of humankind (Luke 22:42). Similarly, our response to God’s call should be I have come to do your will.