NT in 2024: Acts
03 Mar 2024Snippets from my handwritten devotional notes
Favorite insights
- The disciples began to understand the meaning of the OT prophesies in retrospect (Acts 1:16-17); similarly, it seems like we also sometimes only understand the significance of certain events/circumstances in our lives looking backward
- The apostles took every opportunity to preach the Gospel
- Examples include:
- Peter, who turned the people’s ridicule as a segue into a sermon (Acts 2:14-16)
- Peter, who pointed the people straight to Jesus after a healing miracle (Acts 3:12-13)
- Paul, who ministered to sick people as they were shipwrecked and stuck on an island (Acts 28:7-10)
- How they preached the Gospel
- By the power of the Spirit, not out of mere intellect or influence (Acts 4:13)
- With great boldness amidst persecution (Acts 4:29)
- Presented a message of life, not one of condemnation (Acts 5:20)
- Always pointing people back to Jesus (Acts 13:38)
- Without adding requirements to the Gospel—doing so is challenging God (Acts 15:10-11)
- Examples include:
- Wicked people keep attacking the same way (Acts 4:1-7; Acts 13:50; Acts 16:20; Acts 17:5-7)
- Recurring theme: use of the mob/people other than themselves to do their dirty work; they probable feared the reaction/retaliation of the people if they did it themselves
- The mob fails to investigate, understand the situation for themselves, are easily rocked by punchy accusations
- Religious leaders had the tendency of running to secular government leaders over religious concerns
- Government officials sometimes acted as a voice of reason, but of course they had their own political agenda as well (e.g., public perception, crowd control)
- Principle of leadership: Learn to delegate, distinguish between the primary goal/calling from ancillary activities (Acts 6:2-4)
- Principle of evangelism: When people already have a special interest in the Scriptures, use what they’re reading as a starting point to share what Jesus did for them (Acts 8:35)
- God speaks to people who are consistent/persistent in prayer (Acts 10:30-31)
Favorite prayers
- Lord, I want to see visions so I just get a glimpse of all the good things you have in store for my life (Acts 2:17-18)
- Lord, thank you for turning around my own ignorance and disobedience and for always turning things for good (Acts 3:17-18)
- Lord, may you (Acts 7:9-10)
- Be with me
- Rescue me from all my troubles
- Grant me favor before (important) people
- Give me unusual wisdom
- Put me in positions of great responsibility and impact
- Lord, may there be many hungry people in our day that are eager to hear the Word (Acts 8:4-6; Acts 19:10)
- Lord, let your Spirit lead me where I go; prevent me from leaving the bounds of your will (Acts 16:6-7)
Favorite list
Insights from David’s psalm (Acts 2:25-28/Psalm 16:8-11)
- Stability comes from God
- Gladness, praise flows from relationship
- Hope arises leading to rest → no fear of the future
- Life in his fullness → God
- Joy is in his presence
Favorite questions
- What is the significance of speaking other human tongues from a theological sense? (Acts 2:4-6)
- Why did Ananias have to claim it was the full amount? Why did this, out of all possible sins, lead to immediate death? (Acts 5:1-11)
- Why was Paul (Saul) in particular blinded versus others who had similar personal encounters with God? (Acts 9:8-9)
- Why did the Jewish believers still abide by the law of Moses? (Acts 21:20)
- Why did Paul not wait for Festus to render his decision which would have actually ended well for him? (Acts 26:32)
- Are subtle differences in Paul’s presentation of his salvation experience significant?
- Did King Agrippa ultimately become a Christian? (Acts 26:28)