NT in 2024: Luke
17 Jan 2024Snippets from my handwritten devotional notes
Favorite insights
- Fame and worldly renown are not a Christian’s goals (Luke 4:6-8; Luke 6:26)
- Therefore, Christian service should never be about contests of fame or importance (Luke 22:24-27)
- The heart of a true preacher: Christ is much greater and more wonderful than me (Luke 3:15-16)
- Jesus felt a burden to fulfill his destiny — in turn, in some sense, we need to feel a burden to fulfill his will for our life (Luke 12:50)
- Relationships should not be built on the basis of creating utang na loob (Luke 14:12).
- The lack of value creation even if capital is preserved is wicked (Luke 19:20-23)
- A righteous person lives awaiting the coming of the Kingdom of God (Luke 23:51; Luke 21:34-36)
Favorite prayers
- Lord, may I be surrounded by people who bring me closer to you and join me in faith for a miracle (Luke 5:18-19)
- Lord, let the amazing things that happen in my life point people to you (Luke 5:25-26)
- Lord, I want to be in your inner circle and see extraordinary miracles take place (Luke 8:51-52)
- Lord, help me value myself the same way you value me (Luke 12:6-7) — reminded me of this song
- Lord, help me to be faithful with a little so you would bless me with much more, and as you bless me, may my eyes always be on the blesser rather than the blessing (Luke 16:10-11)
- Lord, may my faith not fail — let me always find myself coming back to you (Luke 22:32)
- Lord, I want to have this kind of an encounter with you (Luke 24:32)
Favorite list
Reasons why not to worry (Luke 12:22-32)
- God is the ultimate source of provision
- We are valued by God/he cares for us
- Worrying accomplishes nothing
- Father already knows my needs
- Co-heirs with Christ to the Kingdom
Favorite questions
- Does shameless persistence change God’s mind? (Luke 11:5-8)
- Why did Jesus not refute the rich man’s claim of complete obedience? (Luke 18:18-22)